Proof Reader/Editor

  • Kategoria
    Administracja biurowa i wsparcie biznesu
  • Rodzaj umowy
    Praca Tymczasowa
  • Lokalizacja

Adecco Poland Sp. z o.o. jest Agencją Zatrudnienia nr 364

Opis klienta:

For our client, the the European Border and Coast Guard Agency we are looking for:

Proof Reader/Editor in Human Capital Division/European Border and Coast Guard Academy

Zakres odpowiedzialności:

  • To perform linguistic checks of documents or texts (review for spelling errors, punctuation errors, typos or incorrect use of regional English);
  • To check documents/texts for compliance with Frontex style conventions and terminology;
  • To edit documents/texts to improve the flow and overall quality;
  • To review documents for compliance with Frontex Corporate Visual Identity;
  • To assist with drafting certain documents (communication, web-content, briefing notes, reports, guidelines etc.);
  • To integrate inputs and corrections from many contributors into one file. 

Profil kandydata:

  • University degree in English philology or applied linguistics;
  • At least 3 years of professional experience in performing the tasks described above;
  • Very good knowledge of basic MS Office software (Word, Excel, Outlook);
  • Very good knowledge of English (at least C1 level); 

We offer:

  • Attractive financial conditions - Salary paid in Euro;
  • Full-time work in the center of Warsaw;
  • Opportunity to work within EU structures;
  • Opportunity for development and promotion;
  • Temporary employment contract through Adecco Poland;